Zucchini Fritters, Week Twenty-Eight in the No Longer New Abnormal

Janet Zinn
3 min readJul 6, 2024

It’s sweltering outside. The humidity and the temperature are high. Though I have a good number of chores to get done, I’m choosing to spend this time writing this blog in the air conditioning. I haven’t planned what I’ll write, so as unoriginal as it is, I’ve started by mentioning the weather. Inspiration is not forthcoming. I just walked away to go into the kitchen. I cubed and toasted bread to make breadcrumbs to go with the zucchini I purchased today at the farmer’s mlaarket. In fact, the bread came from there last week. I ‘m making zucchini fritters. The eggs that go in the mix come from another stall at the farmer’s market. I didn’t see the right onions, so I’ll have to go out for them. I so enjoy the sweet and savory combination of the fritters.

Rather than a traditional blog post, I will share how to make Zucchini Fritters or Zucchini Cakes. I don’t have a recipe so these are approximations.

I medium to large zucchini



Janet Zinn

NYC Psychotherapist, writer, wife, mother, & more...