Member-only story
Lost in Brooklyn, The Twenty-Ninth Week of the Second Year in the new Abnormal
I set out to go to The Brooklyn Museum to see the Africa Fashion exhibit. I had intended to see it twice before but got waylaid, so my determination to get there yesterday was fierce. My plan was to slowly jog in Prospect Park getting out at the arch and walking the few blocks to the museum. Once I made it to Prospect Park at an unfamiliar entrance, I opened up Maps on my iPhone and set off.
I had slung a string backpack over my shoulder with my knee braces for the run as well as an umbrella for the unpredictable weather. After securing my knees in place with the braces, I left the bench and turned back to the Maps app. I was curious. Though not so familiar with Brooklyn, I would have thought I should go right on the drive rather than the left the app instructed me to take. With a momentary pull of doubt, I started off on my slow jog, sun unexpectedly shining, bearing left on the path towards the drive.